Originally posted on July 24, 2013
Light, exactly what defines it in terms of Metaphysics and how does it apply to the Paranormal Field?
First let us have a refresher course on the definition of light according to who or what is defining it.
In the Bible light is mentioned often and referred to as wisdom, truth and God. In Holistic medicine it is referred to as the place in the Universe where all good resides and comes from. In Metaphysics Light is often referred to as a frequency of perfection that is source and is the potential of all things as we all are source within. Light waves were the first recognized in the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiations. In Science Light is defined in terms of wave lengths, wave length is the property that is the distance between identical points between two successive waves. The distance between one crest (trough) of one wave and the next is the wavelength of the wave. So how does this knowledge apply to the paranormal?
As a medium I see our reality and the paranormal first in terms of energy or frequencies. Light is a frequency in different expressions, values or strengths that vibrate through everything as everything. In the manifestation of a spirit for example, light not only can be drawn upon from other sources for a spirit to manifest but the spirit is a wave of light itself. It is in truth using the very substance so to speak that it exist in to manifest at a frequency visible to a medium’s eye or even that of those who experience an apparition. The intelligence or consciousness of a spirit, entity or ghost must be somewhat aware of energy for it to be able manipulate and draw upon the very essence of life itself which is light.
Light exist in all things at some level and vibration. It can be absorbed, intended into or as something. Light for me could be defined as the fifth element. Light used and intended by a medium or a paranormal investigator can, cleanse, protect and heal individuals or a location. For every frequency of light there are realms and beings. The state of consciousness of the one calling upon or intending light into something determines the effect that light will have on something else that is light.
If you believe in the other-side you are probably aware of the white light or the tunnel of light that appears upon death that the soul enters to cross to the other-side. This frequency of light is a very high vibration of light that some call spiritual light or God light. In this light there is Joy and forgiveness. It is this frequency of light that a Paranormal investigator would need to call upon in aiding a spirit to cross over during an investigation. This very light of Joy is what most spirits fear either out of feelings of unworthiness, anger at God or fear of separation. The same applies to earth bound spirits, they are aware of this vibration of light but choose out of a misguided belief that the light is not for them to stay earthbound. There are many reasons a soul chooses to stay earth bound but I have found that fear of the light itself is what causes many souls to remain.
I have found that during an investigation if such a spirit or soul is encountered it is helpful if the investigator or medium can produce that frequency of light (joy and forgiveness) which is then impressed upon the soul or spirit so that they can feel the frequency and know that they are safe to cross into that light. The investigator represents a physical form that the spirit or soul can identify with, if the investigator is comfortable and projecting feelings of safety and joy the spirit still identifying itself as part of the physical realizes that if a human can match the vibration of the light that calls them then they too are able to do so. It’s rather like counseling but through feeling and vibration. The spirit must feel worthy and safe enter the light. This may all sound mamby pandy to hardcore investigators but the light we hold in ourselves going into an investigation, as well as our beliefs and level of consciousness all effect what we experience in the paranormal. I hope that any investigators first priority in any investigation is to bring resolution and healing not only to the client but to the spirits as well. Applying energetic and spiritual tools such as light in paranormal investigations greatly increases successful and happy outcomes for all concerned.
©Dr. Kimberly Rackley 2013